Has the Chilipad system been tested for EMF (electromagnetic fields)?

Has the Chilipad system been tested for EMF?

The Chilipad Pro with Dock Pro has been independently tested by RF Exposure Lab in San Marcos, CA. It is compliant for EMF requirements for uncontrolled environment exposure limits specified in ICNIRP 2010 Guidelines for limiting Exposure to Time-Varying Electric, Magnetic, and Electromagnetic Fields (up to 300 GHz)


Measurements were conducted using Model SMP2 meter with three Isotropic probes model WP400-3, WPF6 and WPH60.  The measurements were conducted at the maximum cooling setting.  The highest value for the E-Field and H-Field was listed below.  All measurements were conducted on a non-reflective surface.  The measurement was conducted first without the Sleepme Tracker (monitoring pad) and then with the Sleepme Tracker (monitoring pad).



For information on EMFs and the latest research on your health please refer to this guide published by the National Institute of Environmental Health Services


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