How does the schedule feature on my OOLER app work?

Schedule Feature on OOLER App

The schedule feature on the OOLER® app is what allows you to customize your temperature schedules.

Creating a new schedule

On the schedule page, create a name for your Schedule. Next, set a specific time and temperature for your Bedtime and then add your Wake-Up time. Customize by selecting the days of the week that you would like the schedule to run. You can also customize further by adding more events to your schedule. Lastly, you can switch the Warm Awake feature On or Off. Then save your schedule. Any schedule can be turned on or off on the Schedule list page.

Can I have multiple schedules at the same time? 

Your OOLER app can have multiple schedules saved under the Schedule tab, but only 1 schedule can be active or "On" at a time. 

What will happen if I change the temperature once the Schedule has started? 

If your system is running on the most up-to-date firmware version, future scheduled events will fire if you've made a temperature change. You can view your OOLER Control Unit's firmware version, which should be 15.20, in the app by tapping the Settings gear on the top right of the Device page and then Device Info.

What should I do if my OOLER schedule is not working properly? 

If your schedule is not working correctly, please try the steps below:

  1. Ensure you have the latest app version by going to the App Store or Google Play store and checking for app updates.
  2. Ensure your Control Unit is on the latest firmware version. (If you are not on the latest firmware, you will see a white "Firmware Update banner on the Dashboard)
  3. A re-sync of your schedule to the Control Unit should fix any scheduling issues. The easiest way to perform a re-sync is to make a quick change and then reverse the change. You can do that by connecting to the OOLER and then going to the schedule page to "inactivate" the schedule by tapping the toggle. Then "re-activate" the schedule and stay on the schedule page for about 30 seconds to ensure the schedule changes were saved to the Control Unit. If you do not already have a schedule, simply add a schedule and when saving, stay on that page for about 30 seconds to ensure the schedule was saved to the Control Unit
  4. If the issue persists, please Factory Reset the Control Unit by holding the power button on the OOLER Control Unit for fifteen seconds. Upon a successful Factory Reset, the Control Unit will turn off, and once you turn it back on, it will be reset to 68 degrees F. This will remove any schedules saved locally on the device. Next, please go to the OOLER app and reconnect to the Control Unit. You'll need to press and hold down the power button on the OOLER until the Bluetooth logo begins to flash, and then tap the refresh icon on the No Connection Banner on the Devices page. Once reconnected, go to the schedule page and follow step 2 above to re-sync the schedules.

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